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I am adopting two older Russian orphans and I want know as much as I can about Russian culture so I can know how to help them adjust. I came on your site under ‘Russian Culture’ search and it has been the gold-mine of information I have been looking for. I am a 20 year old female who just happened to find your site while researching Russia. Your site has been more useful in telling about what life in Russia is really like than any of the other sites I have found.
I love how open and honest you are about everything and I am amazed that you are able to be so insightful, observant and objective about what Russian life is like. I was fascinated to read about what a Russian woman’s day is like. My name is Julia, I’m a Russian doing my studies in London. I’m writing to express my admiration with the information on Russian culture you posted on your website www. I believe you are the author. Well, it couldn’t have been more genuine, authentic and unbiased.