Ukrainian brides 13 years later

Ukrainian brides 13 years later

ANTI-SCAM GUIDE: Read once, and forget about scammers forever! Seek a reliable Russian Dating Agency? Be smart and safe – Background checks in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. I found your web site and even though I did not see her picture under any names, I did find several letters that were ukrainian brides 13 years later exactly the same as some I was receiving.

Lugansk and also Alina Rubanova the director of this CAPRISE AGENCY. No questions are ever answered in her letters that you ask. She talks about how she has a low salary in her very first letter. We are sorry we are unable to meet your request and give you our mailing address and the the phone number because currently you are not the client of our agency. This was the craziest thing that I have ever heard that they could not give me their mailing address and telephone number because I was not a client of theirs! The money was to be sent by Western Union to manager Olga Kupinskaya or Anna Lebedeva.

Sir, we have already informed you that  only the clients of our agency can have our mailing address and the phone number. Sir, for now you are not our client which means we can’t give you  this information. If we can be in any assictance please do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll be glad to provide you with our services. Sir, the e-mail address you have sent this  message at is the agency’s e-mail address. To your question about paying for correspondence.

Sir it’s up to you to decide how much you will pay in advance for the correspondence. We only will watch your balance and keep inform you about it. Thanks for your letter and your question. Fist of all, let me describe what “Caprise” is. As additional service we have several professional interpreters to offer translation services as well. So, our activity is mainly this.