Fictional president poised to become the real thing as TV comedian brings ‘populism 2. Who is ukrainian association of government relations professionals and lobbyists to back whom in Tory leadership race? FOIA request government-wide is 25-years-old, that’s old enough to rent a car!
FOIA request with the National Archives and Records Administration to find out. Bill reports he received a document from this request last fall. The Army stopped its fee bullying in this instance after Sen. 8,000 Department of Defense documents relating to the historic drinking water contamination that occurred over several decades at Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base. The FOIA request was filed by the Environmental Working Group in November and sought records of testing done at 154 specific installations. These documents will play a fundamental role in advancing justice for still unresolved issues of the past, one of the darkest periods of Argentine history.
In support of the Argentina declassification project, the National Security Archive hailed the forthcoming document transfer. The Archive will analyze the documentation and post a selection of the most significant and revealing records after the U. This is the latest development in the FCC’s ongoing effort to stonewall FOIA requests about its net neutrality rules. May 22, specifically requesting documents related to public comments made by FCC Chief Information Officer David Bray about the agency’s analysis. Want to stay on top of the latest FOIA news? Thirty years ago today, the Soviet Union had its first real taste of democracy—its first competitive multi-candidate elections, which many people in Russia today still remember as the most free elections in their living memory.
Contrary to popular perception, the first free elections in the socialist bloc took place not in Poland, but in Moscow following the decisions that were made at the XIX party conference held in June 1988. As the results started to come in, people learned that the leading dissident Andrey Sakharov, who just recently was brought back from his exile by Gorbachev, was elected to the Congress, and that Boris Yeltsin, the reformer bounced by Gorbachev from the Politburo in 1987, won overwhelmingly as Moscow’s at-large candidate. This weekly Politburo meeting from March 28, 1989 follows the March 26 vote for the USSR’s first popularly elected national Congress of People’s Deputies. The discussion features both Gorbachev’s positive spin and a thinly—veiled sense of shock on the leadership’s part. 300,000 to release the results of water tests at military installations for a dangerous contaminant that is linked to cancers and other illnesses. The FOIA request was filed by the Environmental Working Group and sought records of testing done at 154 specific installations. Navy and Marine offices that the group also asked for the results of the water tests waived the processing fees.